Welcome to Buzzato.com!Buzzato.com is a free service that allows you to track your AITA rankings, receive alerts when rankings are updated, keep your match diary, see ranking history and player profiles, and more!To get started, please visit https://buzzato.com and log in using your email address.To receive AITA ranking alerts, update your AITA number in your account and select the option to receive email alerts. After this, whenever a new ranking is released with your AITA number in it, we will send you an email with your latest ranks.You can also maintain your Tennis Match Diary on Buzzato.com. In your account, you have the option to add all the details of your Singles and Doubles matches. You can add the result, score, venue, opponent details, and your comments and observations on the match. You can see your match stats too!Some of the commonly asked questions are answered on our FAQ page at https://buzzato.com/faq.We hope you enjoy using Buzzato.com. If you have any questions or feedback, please write to us at
[email protected].